Past Projects

Update: 22/08/2022

Thank you to everyone who joined the project from near and far. You have made it such an enjoyable experience. To conclude, a canvas piece has been created that is inspired by the Creative Conversations we had. We will keep you updated on where this painting will be pop-up next.

All the best,

Ciarán & Úna

This inclusive project will centre on mindfulness and guided meditation as a way of accessing creativity. As Midlands artists, Ciarán and I invite you to be creative in this free, engaging and positive community project. The foundation of the project will be a series of virtual workshops held on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of May at 7.30pm.

To be involved, you need any leftover materials and art supplies that you have at home. From this, I will facilitate the virtual workshops in which we engage in collective meditation, poetry readings, drawing and painting. With this workshop of self-enquiry, you will be encouraged to value the characteristics of found materials and their ability to transform sustainably while also focusing on the importance of positive mental health.

This community project is a continuum of the previous project 'Recaptured and draped' and was made possible by grant funding from Creative Ireland and Westmeath County Council with additional resources made available by glo Skin Clinic Athlone.

Registration is now closed

